About Bible Narration

twelve  when ythe king was on his couch, my znard gave forth its fragrance. 13  My beloved would be to me a sachet of amyrrh that lies involving my breasts. 14  My beloved is always to me a cluster of bhenna blossoms while in the vineyards of cEngedi. [159] Accordingly, Sundberg asserts that in the 1st centuries, there was no criterion for incl

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Details, Fiction and Christian Faith Audio

eight But you've turned apart from the way. nYou have brought about lots of to stumble by your instruction. you have got corrupted othe covenant of Levi, suggests the Lord of hosts, Mat 22:13 - Then the king stated for the attendants, ‘Bind him hand and foot and Forged him into the outer darkness. In that put there will be weeping and gnashing

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The 2-Minute Rule for Bible Dramatization

YouVersion works by using cookies to personalize your practical experience. by utilizing our website, you accept our utilization of cookies as explained in our Privacy Policy for many who benefit the timeless KJV translation, this new audio recording of your Old Testament provides a abundant listening encounter. showcasing major voice talent Impro

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